Sunday, November 3, 2013

What are you watching?

   It's November, Halloween is over turkey day is around the corner, and soon our shows will take their holiday break that seems like forever.  What do you look forward to now?  Breaking Bad was our show of shows, anything else came second to it but now that it's over it's been pretty "ho-hum" in TV land.  So, what are you watching?

If you've been too busy to get into things your friends are talking about, streaming technology can be a life saver when the cold weather comes and leaves you to occupy yourself with something new on TV.  Other than re-watching Breaking Bad its a good chance to find something new to get into.  We, for instance have just re-discovered Doctor Who after not watching it since the 80's, and +Netflix has all of them.  Another very good show is Hell on Wheels, that takes place during the reconstruction era of the United States post Civil War times.  That should be enough, but what if you need a genre break?  All hobbies at times have to take a back seat to other priorities and you could miss some stuff all together.  This past weekend's Saturday Night Live made some references to how popular The Wire was and that's just something I never got into, so I'll try it.  Recently, there have been a lot of lists for shows that had the top ten best finale's ever so that's a good place to start.  But, we're looking for recommendations.  If you have any please comment below, the closer we get to the holidays the more we'll need them.

These are some that were recommended over the weekend:

  • Broadchurch
  • Dracula
  • The Wire
  • Homeland

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